Upstate New York Community Health System Needs Fulltime Pediatrician - Minutes from the Capitol in Albany, New York
- Pediatrician in Primary Care clinic, with shared 1:6 hospital call Will consider 100% outpatient if desired
- Clinics are affiliated with a 100-bed hospital, employs over 30 primary care providers, and average seeing over 400,000 patients a year as a system
- Current clinics have a month wait time for new patients, giving you the ability to ramp quickly
- Each clinic will provide 2-3 exam rooms, LPN, MA, schedulers and front office staff to assist
- System is within a ACO and clinics are PCMH certified - great referral network
- Providers average 15-28 patients a day based on acuity and desire
- 6 weeks PTO, $4k CE, paid malpractice, benefits, and 403b with match provided
- Base salary with bi-annual bonuses based on wRVUs, Quality Metrics and Patient Satisfaction - $300,000+ potential
- Sign on bonus, student loan, relocation and more provided
- Foothills of the Adirondack Mountains, with options to live in multiple communities, 100,000-person 2 county population
- 35 minutes to International Airport and 30 minutes to state Capitol
- Train in town goes to NYC, Boston, Philly, Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester, VT, Montreal, Canada, and more - low cost and easy commute
- 3-hour drive to NYC, Montreal, Boston, and Rochester
- Area is known for their bridges, downtown, skiing, Lake communities, rafting, hiking, historical landmarks, and horse racing at Saratoga Springs
- Surrounded by beauty and safety, with the ability to live on a lake or in the mountains - so many options
If interested, please give me a call, or email me best times to connect. I also have jobs Nationwide. Visa Accepted Here.
Matt Robbins MS, EVP
Elevate Healthcare Consultants