Innovative and independent medical practice seeks an Internal Medicine Physician in Lincoln, Nebraska.
This is a very rare primary care and behavioral health integrated group in the USA in that they do EEGs, Research, Ketamine, TMS and med management.
Internal Medicine Physician Benefits:
- $220- $300000.00 , you pick your hours and number of patients you want to see, to determine your income.
- You make your schedule
- MDs are back up call, NPs rotate call 1 once very 6 weeks
- Autonomy in practice, Indy owned. Freedom in this role.
- Providers in this group only making medical decision, they don't do admin or support work, there is support staff to do all this. If you work 36 hours, you are done after 36 hours, no admin / extra work
- 3-4 weeks vaca/sick time, 1.5 weeks in Holidays, 3 days for CMEs total about 1.5 months off per year
About the group:
- 1 location
- 55 team members
- 11 providers in mental health and primary care
- 21 years in practice
- Integrated approach with psych and primary care
About the Internal Medicine Physician role:
- 2-4 patients per hour
- Back up call NPs do call 5p-10p each day
- Half days Friday
Profile desired:
- Someone who wants to live in Lincoln
- Someone who doesn't want to do admin / have any business headaches.
- 3 year commitment to the group / 3 yr contract
- Internal Medicine Physician
- Open to H1B or J1 sponsorship candidates
Jon Crosby