Hematology Oncology physician needed in the suburbs of Chicago, IL
A premier healthcare system is recruiting for a Hematology Oncology Physician for an established practice in the suburbs of Chicago. The practice has 4 Hem/Onc physicians. They work Monday - Friday 8am-4:30pm . The Physicians split their time between to Clinic and Hospital. The average inpatient volume in 13-20 patients. The call is shared among 2 Physicians, however Residents / Fellows take the first call. The Physicians teach Residents on relevant disease states, ensuring knowledge of pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, cure, risk mitigation and prevention. The practice utilizes EPIC EMR system. This is an employed position offering a competitive salary and production bonuses and a complete benefits and relocation package. This opportunity does not qualify for visa sponsorship.
For detailed practice information forward your Curriculum Vitae to
Roger Ouellette
Director of Physician Recruitment
Toll Free: 1- ext. 202
Fax: 1-