Director of Youth Ministry


Salary Details: $30000.00 - 50000.00 a year

Saint Simons Presbyterian Church
Saint Simons Presbyterian Church
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The Director of Youth Ministry will mentor and minister to youth (grade 6-12), and their families. The Director will lead programs such as Sunday evening Youth Group, weekly morning devotions, Sunday School classes, Confirmation, annual youth trips (Montreat, Mission Trips, weekend retreats), and other events throughout the academic year, all seeking to invite young people into discipleship and a life of faith, sharing the love of Christ with them at all times.


This position is flexible for an individual seeking fulltime (35 hrs/wk) or parttime employment. However, a minimum of 20 hrs/wk is required. This position reports to the Senior Pastor and works closely with the Director of Christian Education and other staff members, as needed. This position maintains a work schedule that is responsive to the needs, programs and activities (including evening and weekend) of the Church. The Director also works closely with and provides leadership for the Youth Ministry Committee.


  1. Care for and minister to the youth of SSPC with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love, always serving as a Christ-like example in both word and deed. This position requires the energy to enjoy and interact with young people, as well as the maturity, integrity, compassion, and communication skills to interact with and minister to their parents and families.
  2. Plan, coordinate, and staff Sunday fellowship, weekly morning devotions, and all other youth programming. This includes developing programs, maintaining a schedule of programs for fellowship each week, and preparing lesson plans and materials to foster the spiritual growth of youth in grades 6 to 12. The youth director will also organize physical space to accommodate an atmosphere of fellowship and unity, as well as assemble all necessary resources and supplies.
  3. Communicate with and work closely with volunteers, ensuring that all details for youth programming are covered and that there are always enough adults present to adhere to our Child Safe Policy.
  4. Recruit and equip a team of volunteer youth advisors sufficient to meet the needs of the class size. Provide training and guidance such that volunteers are prepared for each event/program. Lead an advisor's meeting prior to each Sunday evening fellowship session. Provide weekly email to volunteers informing them of upcoming activities and details.
  5. Be willing to receive feedback from volunteers, youth, parents, and the Youth Ministry Committee as to the effectiveness of programming and ideas for enhancement.
  6. Work to strengthen relationships with young people of the Church by visiting them in their homes, meeting for coffee or meals, attending sporting activities and extracurricular activities.
  7. Assist and prepare middle and high school students to participate in, plan, and lead annual Youth Sunday worship with support from the Director of Christian Education, Director of Music, and pastors.
  8. Plan, develop, and lead annual Confirmation class in coordination with pastors and other volunteers. Arrange mentors for members of the class.
  9. Serve as primary staff leader for annual summer trips (Mission Trip, Montreat) as well as for other weekend retreats throughout the year. With assistance from the Director of Christian Education, pastors and other staff, select location, focus, and dates of trips. Identify participants, recruit adult chaperones, be attentive to budget and fundraising needs, and make general travel and lodging plans. Provide regular, pertinent information to parents and participants.
  10. Send weekly electronic communication to young people and their families to share upcoming event details, plans, and ongoing programs related to Youth Ministry at SSPC.
  11. Promote Youth Ministry at SSPC in an effort to increase and maintain participation. Work closely with the Director of Communications to develop promotional materials, publicity, and to encourage participation.
  12. Assist in leading and organizing special annual programs (which include youth) such as Fall Festival and Live Nativity.
  13. Attend and participate in weekly worship and weekly staff meetings.
  14. Provide regular reports and updates to the Sr. Pastor and Youth Ministry Committee, as needed.
  15. Maintain administrative records showing activities, level of interest, promotional activities,

    attendees, program results. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of programs and make adjustments as appropriate.


  1. Knowledge of the Bible and Reformed theology sufficient to instruct and minister to young people as they develop their spiritual life and Christian faith.
  2. Knowledge of the spiritual and educational development of youth.
  3. Knowledge of and ability to use technology and equipment required for the job.
  4. Ability to attend to detail, to multi-task and to organize resources effectively and efficiently.
  5. Abilitytoconciselyandclearlyorganizethoughtsandideastoeffectivelycommunicateintended

    message to the intended audience.

  6. Abilitytoassessneedsofvariousagegroups,todevelopprogramsaccordingly,toevaluateresults,

    and shift as needed.

  7. Abilitytomaintainclearandaccuraterecordsofprogramevaluations,anyissuesofsafety,and

    to ensure the safe operation of youth facilities.

  8. Ability to work both independently and collaboratively within a team, maintaining positive

    working relationships with a variety of people.

  9. Ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people from different age groups,

    cultures, economic status, educational backgrounds and education.

  10. Ability to effectivity recruit, train, and supervise volunteers.
  11. Ability to develop and manage a program budget.
  12. Ability to remain calm in the face of possible incidents with young people, to create an

    atmosphere of confidence with parents, and to demonstrate an attitude of maturity and integrity.

  13. Ability to administer programs and procedures with consistency, always considering the

    emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual safety and well-being of program participants.

  14. Ability to maintain confidential information.


REQUIRED: A strong, personal faith in Jesus Christ, and a combination of education, training, and experience that would prepare one for success in the described position. Demonstrated skills that include, but are not limited to, clear communications, maturity, professionalism, adaptability, flexibility, and leadership.

PREFERRED: Prior experience working with youth in a church environment. Prior experience and/or leadership in reformed and/or PC(USA) settings.


Physical requirements include but may not be limited to: maintaining standing and sitting positions for extended periods; ability to walk, climb steps, bend, kneel, stoop in order to teach and to get and maintain the attention of children. Tactile acuity sufficient to handle program materials and technology used in program delivery. Ability to see, speak and hear.

Mental requirements include but may not be limited to: general math functions, intermediate reading, advanced reasoning, advanced speaking ability, and advanced writing ability. Ability to recognize relationships between bits of data, to compile thoughts and ideas into a connected plan or strategy. Ability to sense the mood of children and to respond appropriately.

Date Posted: 03 March 2025
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