We are looking for a PA to join our community hospital and corresponding clinic. You will deliver cardiothoracic services across a variety of procedures. Efficient surgical skills for CVOR and vascular surgery are required, as well as independence with endoscopic and vessel harvesting (including radial).
- Availability M-F for surgery and invasive procedures elective daily
- Procedures begin 0700 -0730
- Call for urgent emergent OR, cath lab, and bedside
Position Details:
- OR First Assist; must possess expertise in vessel harvesting
- Initially focused in the main OR, with available time to assist CVOR
- Work with 4 for Vascular/CVOR (if only OR placed, FT may be utilized in other service lines in the absence of CV/Vascular)
- Surgeries and procedures are required
- CABG EVH and open vessel harvesting, TAVR, TACR, Vascular surgery, ECMO
Cases and Procedures:
- Pre-operative Care:
- Assist surgeon with patient workup
- Confirm operating schedule and blood availability
- Surgical Procedures:
- Assist with patient positioning
- Prepare and drape surgical site
- Assist surgeon during surgery (wound exposure, closure, etc.)
- Independently perform certain procedures (vascular harvesting, line insertion, etc.)
- Assist with invasive procedures in Cath Lab and at bedside
- Post-operative Care:
- Inform surgeon of patient condition changes
- Assess patient's progress and implement therapies
- Document patient progress in medical record
- Perform rounds as directed by surgeon
- Execute and relay medical regimens as directed
- Continuing Education:
- Participate in quality programs
- Attend in-house meetings and conferences
- Attend regional/national conferences for CME
JN -7