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About the Employer We Believe - That a positive environment is essential - In preparing for the future - Personal growth is essential for success - Educational excellence is our shared primary responsibility - Decision-making is a collaborative process - Diversity enhances education - In a learning environment which supports all students, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or race View Job Description Requirements / Qualifications Afterschool Assistants must meet one of the requirements:
• AA degree
• 48 semester college units
• or a Paraprofessional Certificate. Completion of Target Sketch Questions are required of all applicants. An invitation to complete the Target Sketch will be received upon completion of the application. Comments and Other Information Afterschool positions may have the possibility of extra hours subbing in Noon Duty Assistant and Instructional positions. Afterschool Instructional Assistants should expect the following: Actively supervise students on the playground Plan Activities Prepare Activities Assist students with homework Work independently If offered the position, the following will be required prior to beginning work: 1. DOJ/FBI clearance (fingerprints) 2. Pre-employment physical 3. TB clearance-completed no more than 60 days prior to beginning work. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Equal Opportunity Employer For more information about this position, go to the pdf file here ASSISTANT (1)-.pdf
Date Posted: 19 December 2024
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